
FORGE-ing Ahead: Charting the Future of Geothermal Energy

Jun 23, 2021

A microseismic event loaded from the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data into a Jupyter notebook showing energy from a microseismic event arriving at about 7.5 seconds. These microseisms bring information about the process of stimulation. However, in the data set there are relatively few and they are…

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Strategy, Digitalization and Global Trends – C Suite Reflections

Feb 16, 2021

Key points are presented from the first of a series of LinkedIn articles where JSR Board Chairman Mitsunobu Koshiba provides thought provoking insights on business strategy in the context of trends in three time horizons. The short term is dominated by an increased acceptance of Modern Monetary Theory. The mid-term is a shift in the…

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Digital-centric R&D Laboratories

Feb 16, 2021

To have a transformative impact, labs must reinvent workflows through digital technologies and skills, adopting a strong data culture. Innovation through digital-centric systems confidently produces new materials that meet customer specifications orders of magnitude faster than before, enabling broader business transformation.  Authors: Chris Farrow, Ph.D., VP Materials Science Solutions and Michael Heiber, Manager, Materials Informatics…

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Digital Maturity, Meet Business Impact

Feb 16, 2021

The Digital Maturity Report uses a matrix to evaluate organizations digital maturity, determining whether they are lagging, competitive or leading based on the 5-core elements of Digital Maturity; Digital Strategy, Digital Skills, Digital Tools, Data & Data Flow, and Data Infrastructure.  Digital Maturity, Applied. Author: Charlie Cosad, M.Sc. Is your organization delivering ongoing business impact…

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Problem Solving with Data

Feb 16, 2021

For those just getting started with advanced scientific computing techniques, here are four steps to efficiently turn data into decisions with business value. Author: Ryan Swindeman, Scientific Software Developer In the 4 minute video below, Enthought scientist Ryan Swindeman puts data into context as foundational to any digital transformation initiative, setting out four fundamental steps for…

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Taking the Classroom Online

Feb 16, 2021

An effective, ‘at-home’ whiteboard solution needn’t be complex. A simple set-up is all, using a phone, held above a piece of paper (use books, boxes, or a stand to adjust the height of the phone). A lamp ensures the paper is lit sufficiently to be seen on a screen. Taking the Classroom Online Author: Alex…

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Up the ‘Digital Level’ of Your R+D Lab

Dec 8, 2020

A key role of materials and chemistry R&D researchers is to invert the primary function of their labs – that of creating materials from chemical structures, formulations and processes – to one of determining the inputs that will produce materials with the desired properties with minimal iteration. This process can be significantly accelerated by ‘leveling…

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You see, but you do not observe.

Sep 12, 2020

“You see, but you do not observe” is a quote by Sherlock Holmes in A Scandal in Bohemia (1891, written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). Holmes referred to himself as a ‘consulting detective’. Sketch by Mason Dykstra. Author: Mason Dykstra, Ph.D., VP Energy Solutions Wavelets are for Watson (The Doctor; Not IBM)  When was the…

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Value From AI: A CTOs Perspective

Sep 2, 2020

A CTO’s Perspective on Gaining Value from AI Author: Didrik Pinte, M.S., CTO AI – Leading While Lagging Artificial intelligence has never been more widely applicable. Given the rapidly increasing rate of data generation, it can be thought of as never so under utilised. Many science-based organizations globally are investing in AI and digital tools,…

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Python for Professionals

Jul 24, 2020

Why Python? Python is an uniquely flexible language – it can be used for everything from software engineering (writing applications) to web app development, system administration to “scientific computing” — which includes scientific analysis, engineering, modeling, data analysis, data science, and the like. Unlike some “generalist” providers who teach generic Python to the lowest common…

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