Digital Transformation

Leverage Digital Technologies to Maximize Business Value.

Enthought powers digital transformation for science. We partner with science-driven companies to transform their labs of today into compute-centric modern research organizations that drive innovation and fuel competitive advantage.

Value-Based Digital Transformation

To form a fully-realizable digital transformation strategy, change must be foundational, iterative, and comprehensive. This means both introducing technology and changing the business ecosystem to capture the value generated by that technology. That includes people – their skills, behaviors, mindsets, and processes. Enthought's holistic approach of transforming people, processes, and technology ensures digital transformation becomes the catalyst for value. It yields market differentiation, accelerating the advancement of innovations and their global impact.


The Intersection of Science and Technology

Enthought has an extensive history of developing transformational digital solutions for enterprise scientific research organizations. We are problem solvers and bring a unique perspective to our customers with our deep understanding the complexities of scientific data and workflows, advanced computing techniques, and business strategy. Our bench of experts are able to uncover new opportunity space that exists at the intersection of the scientific domain and technology, for both the enterprise and the scientist.

Digital Transformation in Practice

Digital transformation is an established trend and the current catchphrase in corporations everywhere. But, while many realize the imperative to change, it’s not always clear precisely what that entails, where to start, how best to implement, and what benefits to expect.

What Materials Informatics Looks Like in the Modern R&D Lab

The Modern Materials Science and Chemistry Lab Industry success now more than ever is being dictated by the ability to continuously develop innovative new materials…

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Cheat Sheet | Large Language Models+ For Scientific Research

Large Language Models+ For Scientific Research Updated August 2023 LLMs and Tools for R&D To help scientists and researchers navigate the increasing number of advanced…

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WEBINAR: What Every R&D Leader Needs to Know About ChatGPT and LLMs

View Webinar-on-Demand Live webinar held on June 27, 2023 Overview ChatGPT and the explosion of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) are disrupting every industry. We…

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WEBINAR: Drug Development in the AI-Driven Lab

October 24, 2023 Overview The recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models have unleashed a new era of possibilities for drug development….

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WEBINAR: Materials Informatics for Product Development: Deliver Big with Small Data

May 17, 2023 Overview For many industry labs, scientific data has historically been generated to answer specific, immediate research questions and then archived to protect…

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Unlocking the Value of High Throughput Screening Pipelines in Small Molecule Drug Discovery

Transforming High Throughput Screening Data into Actionable Insights with Data Modeling and Visualization A mid-size small molecule cancer therapeutics biotechnology company using a custom high…

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Why Top Materials Company Idemitsu Partnered with Enthought to Accelerate Product Innovation using Materials Informatics

Idemitsu’s Path to R&D Digital Transformation Idemitsu has a rich 100 year history of developing products alongside leading OEMs from project onset, and today is…

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[eBook] Digital Transformation in the Life Sciences Industry

The Lab of the Future: Barriers to Digital Transformation in the Life Sciences Industry Experts predict over the next two years, life sciences companies will…

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[eBook] Digital Transformation in the Materials Science Industry

Building the Materials and Chemicals Lab of the Future Materials and chemical companies know that building a digital “lab of the future” to accelerate discovery…

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5 Tips to Kickstart Your Journey to the Future-Proofed R&D Lab

5 Tips to Kickstart Your Journey to the Future-Proofed R&D Lab   Despite an increase in digital transformation efforts across all industries, 70% fall short…

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