Solve Enterprise Python Deployment Headaches

Built on 15 years of experience of Python packaging and deployment for Fortune 500 companies, the NEW Enthought Deployment Server provides enterprise-grade tools groups and organizations using Python need, including:

  1. Secure, onsite access to a private copy of the proven 450+ package Enthought Python Distribution
  2. Centralized management and control of packages and Python installations
  3. Private repositories for sharing and deployment of proprietary Python packages
  4. Support for the software development workflow with Continuous Integration and development, testing, and production repositories

In this webinar, Enthought’s product team demonstrates the key features of the Enthought Deployment Server and how it can take the pain out of Python deployment and management at your organization.

See a recording of the webinar:

Who Should Watch this Webinar:

If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below, then you (or someone at your organization) should watch this webinar:

  1. Are you using Python in a high-security environment (firewalled or air gapped)?
  2. Are you concerned about how to manage open source software licenses or compliance management?
  3. Do you need multiple Python environment configurations or do you need to have consistent standardized environments across a group of users?
  4. Are you producing or sharing internal Python packages and spending a lot of effort on distribution?
  5. Do you have a “guru” (or are you the guru?) who spends a lot of time managing Python package builds and / or distribution?

In this webinar, we demonstrate how the Enthought Deployment Server can help your organization address these situations and more.

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